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Choose bearing types-2

It is very important to comprehensive grasp of the bearing using conditions when choose a suitable bearing. 3. The running speed of the bearing Bearing limit speed not only decided by bearing type but also the bearing size, maintains type, precision grade, load conditions and lubricating way, therefore, we must consider these fa...

Choose bearing types-1

It is very important to comprehensive grasp of the bearing using conditions when choose a suitable bearing. 1. Bearing installation space It should be hold in bearing installed inside the space of bearing type. Due to the design of the shaft axis pay attention to the rigid and strength, so generally determine trunnion at first, ...

The methods to extend Timken bearing service life-2

Generally speaking, there are 5 methods to extend the service life of Timken bearings as belows: 3.The basicmonitoring condition.In using period,we should regularly mointor the basicexternaloperation conditionof the bearing, such as temperature, vibration and noise measurement, etc. These regular inspection will detect of potent...

The methods to extend Timken bearing service life-1

Generally speaking, there are 5 methods to extend the service life of Timken bearings as belows: 1.Bearing installation.Ifcorrectly install Timken bearings , will affect itprecision, long life, and performance. Therefore, design and assembly department should fully research for the installation of the bearing. It should be insta...

TIMKEN bearing products and services

TIMKEN is aglobal leading high quality bearing, alloy steel and relevant parts and accessories manufacturers. No matter where in the world, so long as has the equipment operation and power drive, you can see TIMKEN company technology and products. TIMKEN bearing producted two hundred and thirty types, twenty-six thousand differe...

SKF bearing damage causes and analysis

If younoticethe SKF bearing damage causes, you may found tht the shaft bearing damaged in most cases, it lead them can't work. In general, bearing fatigue damage causedby damageonlya third from bad lubrication occurs, and a third other pollutants into the bearings or install not handled properly. But the damage is not relevant i...

Introduction of SKF bearing

SKF bearing belong to SKF group, whichis the global leading supplier of the rolling bearing and seals, its business scope includes bearing manufacturing, seals production and bearing related tools promotion, provide all kinds of solutions and services for clients. SKF business divided into five departments: the ministry of indus...

The installation of FAG bearing

The install of the FAG bearing should be in as far as possible dry, clean indoor, and should be far away from metal processing or other will produce the metal debris and dust equipment. When must be in no protection environment of the installation bearings(larger bearings often met), must take proper measures to protect bearings...

The damage and maintain of FAG bearing

Generally, FAG bearing used to reach fatigue life if it is used in a right way. But there will be some unexpected prematurely damage, which have no ability to used anymore. This early damage, on the contrary with fatigue life, called the fault or accident quality use limit. These are usually caused by somesubstances invading fro...